Women are different from place to place, culture to culture; but no matter where we live or who we are, we share common ground when it comes to our gender. One such commonality is menopause the permanent ending of our reproductive lives as evidenced by the cessation of our menstrual cycles.
Menopause can occur naturally as it often does or be brought on by a surgical procedure, but the results are the same. Menopause generally occurs during a woman’s late forties to mid-fifties and is defined by the ending of egg production by the ovaries.
In addition to the cessation of egg production, the ovaries will also cease to produce estrogen the hormone responsible for keeping the intricate processes of a woman’s body in balance.
The end-to-end egg production results at the end of the menstrual cycle. Some of the more common symptoms include hot flashes, night sweats, disruption in sleep, memory loss, vaginal dryness, loss of se*ual desire, and mood swings.
Menopause Symptoms
Every woman’s period will stop at menopause. Some of the women may not have been any other symptoms. But as you face menopause, you may have these types of symptoms:
Changes in your period: The time between the flow from month to month and periods may be different.
Abnormal “spotting” or bleeding. This is a common factor as you near menopause. But if your periods have stopped for 12 months continuously, and you still have “spotting,”. You need to talk to your doctor to avoid serious causes, like cancer, etc.
Hot flashes: You feel warm in the neck, chest, and face.
Night sweats and sleeping problems: These may lead to feeling stressed, tired, tense etc.
Vaginal Changes: The vagina may become thin, dry and vaginal exams may be painful. You might get more vaginal infections regularly.
Mood changes: May include mood swings, depression, and irritability.
Urinary problems: You may have pain leaking and burning when urinating, or leaking when coughing, sneezing, or laughing.
Lack of concentration: You may become forgetful.
Sex drive decreases: You may have a low interest in sex and changes in sexual response to the partner.
Menopause Treatment
Menopause natural remedies include appropriate diet and exercise and herbal remedies (available over the counter), which are usually derived from the Mexican wild yam. These may give a minimal increase in estrogen levels, which may help reduce menopausal symptoms.
Controversy remains regarding the use of Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) for menopausal symptoms.
How Can I Stay Healthy After Menopause?
Staying healthy after menopause may mean making some changes in the way you live:
- Don’t smoke. If you do use tobacco of any type, stop-it’s soon not as too late to benefit from quitting smoking.
- Eat a healthy diet-one low in fat, high in fiber, with plenty of fruits, vegetables, and whole-grain foods, as well as all the important vitamins and minerals.
- Make sure you get enough calcium and vitamin D in your diet or in vitamin/mineral supplements.
- Learn what is your healthy weight, and try to maintain it there.
- Do weight-bearing exercises, such as jogging, walking, or dancing, at least 3 days every week for healthy joint bones. But try to be active physically in other ways for your health.
Other things to remember:
- If your doctor prescribes for you Try to Take medicine to maintain your blood pressure.
- Use a water-based lubricant for vaginal or a vaginal cream for estrogen or tablet to help with vaginal discomfort.
- Get regular breast and pelvic exams, mammograms, and Pap tests. You should also be checked for skin cancer and for rectal cancer. Contact your doctor soon if you notice a lump in your mole or breast that has changed.
Are you bothered by hot flashes? Menopause is not a disease that has to be treated. But you need to know help with symptoms similar to hot flashes. Here are ideas that have helped women:
- Try to keep track of when hot flashes be a journal can help. It might be suitable to use this information to find out what triggers your flashes and also avoid them.
- When a hot flash thresholds, go nearly cool.
- Still, try sleeping in a cool room or with a addict on, If night sweats wake you.
- Dress in layers that you can take off if you get too warm.
- Use wastes and apparel that let your skin” breathe.”
Have a cold drink (water or juice) when a flash is starting.
You could also talk to your doctor about whether there are any medicines to manage hot flashes.
What About Those Lost Hormones?
These days you hear a lot about whether you should use hormones to help relieve some menopause symptoms. It’s hard to know what to do.
During perimenopause, some croakers suggest birth control capsules to help with veritably heavy, frequent, or changeable menstrual ages. These capsules might also help with symptoms like hot flashes, as well as help gestation.
As you get near to menopause, you might be bothered more by symptoms like hot flashes, night sweats, or vaginal blankness. Your croaker might also suggest taking estrogen (as well as progesterone, if you still have a uterus). This is known as menopausal hormone remedy (MHT).
Some people still call it hormone relief remedy or HRT. Taking these hormones will presumably help with menopause symptoms and help the bone loss that can be at menopause. Still, there’s a chance your symptoms will come back when you stop MHT.
How Do I Decide What to Do?
Talk to your health care provider for help deciding how to stylish manage menopause. You can see a gynecologist, geriatrician, general guru, or internist. Talk about your symptoms and whether they bother you. Make sure the croaker knows your medical history and your family medical history. This includes whether you’re at threat for heart complaint, osteoporosis, and bone cancer.
Remember that your decision is noway final. You can-and should- review it with your croaker during a scan. Your requirements may change, and so might what we know about menopause.
A hundred times ago life expectation was a lot shorter. Reaching menopause also frequently meant that a woman‘s life was nearing its end. Not so now. Women are living much longer. Moment, a woman turning 50 can anticipate to live, on average, nearly 32 further times. You have the time and freedom to make them active, busy times. Follow a healthy life– style and plan to make the utmost of those times ahead of you!
Menopause Health
As you approach menopause, it’s not unusual to gain weight, especially around yourmid-section. You have probably not changed your eating habits or position of exertion, but the weight continues to accumulate, indeed if you are still passing regular ages. Utmost women begin to notice this added weight while they are in their thirties or forties, and are frustrated by the fact that the weight isn’t relatively as easy to lose as it was a many times prior.
The weight you are now noticing is impeccably normal and is the result of declining hormone situations as you approach menopause (perimenopause). As your estrogen situations decline, your body will naturally look for other places from where to get the estrogen it needs. Unfortunately for us women, fat cells can produce estrogen, thus, your body works extra hard to convert your consumed calories into fat.
Menopause Support : The Connection Between Menopause And Mood Swings
Menopause is an ineluctable part of life for every woman; the time when the capability to reproduce comes to an end. This physical process typically happens gradationally over the course of several times as hormone situations shift and diminishes. The physical ramifications along with the emotional fallout of this life transition frequently goad a strong connection between menopause and mood swings.
When the ovaries cease to produce eggs they also cease to produce estrogen the hormone responsible for supporting period and gestation. The result can be a bevy of symptoms including hot flashes, night sweats, weight gain, memory loss, wakefulness, and loss of sexual desire, among others. This elimination of estrogen also frequently tends to forge a strong correlation between menopause and mood swings. The reduction of hormones can occasionally affect in perversity, anxiety, and indeed ages of depression.
There’s also the emotional element attached to the process of menopause; a woman is saying farewell to her reproductive life a process that can be inviting and sad.
Menopause and mood swings can be especially delicate when it goes on for long ages of time and interferes with diurnal life including career and family. In this case, a woman may seek out those treatments to help minimize mood swings. In some situations, a natural treatment plan that focuses on a healthy diet, harmonious exercise, and acceptable sleep can help to bring relief.
In more severe cases, the relationship between menopause and mood swings puts up obstacles throughout a woman‘s life. When all natural remedies fail, it may be time to see a croaker who can define medical curatives that may help palliate the symptoms.