Best example of Presence of Mind

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Today I spent 2 minutes and read this post the Best Example of Presence of Mind. After reading this post, I felt very good. You too must spare 2 minutes and read this post, believe me you will enjoy reading this post.

● A 22-year-old woman from Aurangabad gave birth to twins through cesarean operation, but due to some problems, clots were not forming in her blood due to which she started suffering from excessive blood loss.

● Despite all the efforts of the doctors, the woman’s bleeding was not stopping, then they decided to completely remove her uterus to save her life.

● During that time, a senior nurse named Naineswari Ghadke, who was working in that hospital for 11 years, gave a suggestion which made everything better.

● She suggested that the woman should breastfeed her children no matter how much she was bleeding, but at that time of crisis he found this idea completely useless.

● But everyone standing there was stunned when they saw that as soon as the woman started feeding her children, her bleeding stopped. This happened because a hormone called oxytocin is released from the women’s body during breastfeeding.

● This helps in the formation of blood clots. After this incident, the nurse said that she had learned this thing 11 years ago during her training.

● I consider this a great example of presence of mind.